The company is located in Hove under the following Company Registration No.: 08575811. It was set up in 2013. The main office of this company is situated at 168 Church Road . The area code for this location is BN3 2DL. The firm's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 95240 meaning Repair of furniture and home furnishings. Saturday 31st December 2022 is the last time account status updates were filed.
Taking into consideration this firm's size, it was necessary to acquire other directors, namely: James F., Adam F., Daniel F. who have been supporting each other since February 2017 for the benefit of this specific firm.
Executives who have control over this firm are as follows: Daniel F. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights. John F. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights. Adam F. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.