General information


Fajr Limited

Office Address:

46 High Street CR7 8LE Thornton Heath

Number: 12752446

Incorporation date: 2020-07-19

End of financial year: 31 July

Category: Private Limited Company

Status: Active


Data updated on:

Fajr Ltd is established as Private Limited Company, registered in 46 High Street, Thornton Heath. The main office's zip code CR7 8LE. This firm was established in 2020. The company's registered no. is 12752446. The enterprise's SIC code is 47220 - Retail sale of meat and meat products in specialised stores. 2022-07-31 is the last time the company accounts were filed.

Regarding the following firm, the full extent of director's obligations have so far been met by Muhammad A. who was assigned to lead the company on 2020-07-19. That firm had been overseen by Shaikh A. until one year ago.

Muhammad A. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights.

Financial data based on annual reports

Company staff

Muhammad A.

Role: Director

Appointed: 19 July 2020

Latest update: 5 September 2024

People with significant control

Muhammad A.
Notified on 19 July 2020
Nature of control:
1/2 or less of voting rights
right to manage directors
1/2 or less of shares
Shaikh A.
Notified on 1 March 2021
Ceased on 1 November 2023
Nature of control:
1/2 or less of voting rights
right to manage directors
1/2 or less of shares

Accounts Documents

Account next due date 30 April 2024
Account last made up date 31 July 2022
Confirmation statement next due date 05 April 2024
Confirmation statement last made up date 22 March 2023
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2020-07-19
End Date For Period Covered By Report 2021-07-31
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 1 August 2022
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 July 2023
Annual Accounts
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 July 2022

Company filings

Filing category

Hide filing type
Accounts Address Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control
Free Download
Total exemption full accounts record for the accounting period up to Monday 31st July 2023 (AA)
filed on: 30th, April 2024
Free Download Download filing (6 pages)

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Services (by SIC Code)

  • 47220 : Retail sale of meat and meat products in specialised stores
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