Enghouse Development (UK) has been on the market for twenty three years. Registered under 04485978, it operates as a Private Limited Company. You may visit the headquarters of this firm during business times under the following location: Imperium Imperial Way, RG2 0TD Reading. Despite the fact, that lately it's been operating under the name of Enghouse Development (UK) Limited, it previously was known under a different name. The company was known as Hamsard 2543 until Wed, 2nd Oct 2002, at which point it was changed to Datapulse. The definitive change came on Mon, 31st Oct 2011. The firm's SIC code is 61900 and their NACE code stands for Other telecommunications activities. Enghouse Development (UK) Ltd filed its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2022/10/31. The firm's latest annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023/07/15.
In the business, all of director's tasks have so far been fulfilled by Robert M. who was formally appointed in 2022. Since March 2010 Stephen S., had been managing this specific business till the resignation in 2022. Additionally a different director, namely Gary Y. gave up the position on Wed, 31st Mar 2010. In addition, the managing director's efforts are regularly helped with by a secretary - Ian C., who was selected by this specific business on Tue, 15th Mar 2022.