Elaghmore started conducting its operations in 2007 as a Private Limited Company under the following Company Registration No.: 06248657. This company's registered office was registered in Newcastle Upon Tyne at First Floor. The Elaghmore Limited firm had been offering its services for at least 13 years. The registered name of the firm got changed in 2007 to Elaghmore Limited. This business previous name was Cobco 838.
As for this particular firm, all of director's duties up till now have been fulfilled by Andrew D. and David M.. When it comes to these two executives, Andrew D. had supervised the firm the longest, having been one of the many members of the Management Board for 13 years.
The companies with significant control over this firm were: Elaghmore (Holdings) Limited owned over 3/4 of company shares. This business could have been reached in Newcastle Upon Tyne at Cale Cross House, Pilgrim Street, NE1 6SU.