2000 is the date that marks the beginning of Eb Designs Limited, the company that is situated at Unit 1, Swan Court Harborough Road, Lamport, Northampton. That would make twenty five years Eb Designs has existed in this business, as the company was registered on 2000-01-07. The registered no. is 03903028 and its area code is NN6 9ER. This firm has a history in business name changes. Previously this company had two different names. Until 2002 this company was run as Eb Developments and before that its official company name was Eb Designs. The company's SIC code is 43390 which stands for Other building completion and finishing. 2022-12-31 is the last time when account status updates were reported.
There's a group of two directors running the following limited company right now, including Antonia B. and Elio B. who have been utilizing the directors duties since May 2004. In addition, the director's efforts are often helped with by a secretary - Giuseppe G., who was selected by the following limited company seventeen years ago.