Easy Networks Limited may be gotten hold of in Unit 1.1 Central Point, Kirpal, Road, Portsmouth in Hampshire. The postal code is PO3 6FH. Easy Networks has been present in this business for the last 30 years. The reg. no. is 03129603. This business's declared SIC number is 61900 - Other telecommunications activities. Easy Networks Ltd released its account information for the period up to Mon, 31st Oct 2022. The business most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on Tue, 22nd Nov 2022.
On November 23, 2015, the enterprise was looking for a Management Accountant to fill a post in Portsmouth. They offered a job with wage from £25000.00 to £32000.00 per year.
The trademark number of Easy Networks is UK00003143777. It was submitted for registration in January, 2016 and it registration ended successfully by Intellectual Property Office in May, 2016. The company will use their trademark untill January, 2026.
We have identified 2 councils and public departments cooperating with the company. The biggest counter party of them all is the Hampshire County Council, with over 70 transactions from worth at least 500 pounds each, amounting to £207,992 in total. The company also worked with the Southampton City Council (9 transactions worth £17,796 in total). Easy Networks was the service provided to the Hampshire County Council Council covering the following areas: Computer Equipment, Furn. & Equip. Costing Less Than £6000, Equipment and Alterations Under £10,000 was also the service provided to the Southampton City Council Council covering the following areas: Supplies & Services.
Currently, the directors chosen by the following firm are as follow: Ria W. appointed in 2018 in January and Richard G. appointed on Wed, 22nd Nov 1995.