This particular firm is registered in Wellingborough registered with number: 00256553. This firm was established in the year 1931. The office of the firm is located at 63 Broad Green . The zip code for this location is NN8 4LQ. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 1110 which stands for Growing of cereals (except rice), leguminous crops and oil seeds. Eastwood Riseley Farms Ltd reported its latest accounts for the financial year up to 2022-03-31. The most recent confirmation statement was filed on 2023-09-24.
In order to satisfy their customers, the following business is continually developed by a team of two directors who are Michaela M. and Adam M.. Their joint efforts have been of extreme importance to the following business for sixteen years. To find professional help with legal documentation, this particular business has been using the skills of Adam M. as a secretary.
Adam M. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 1/2 to 3/4 of company shares and has over 1/2 to 3/4 of voting rights.