01368930 is a registration number assigned to Draper Tool Group Limited(the). It was registered as a Private Limited Company on 16th May 1978. It has been operating on the market for the last 46 years. The firm may be gotten hold of in Hursley Road Chandlers Ford in Eastleigh. The head office's postal code assigned to this location is SO53 1YF. This business's SIC code is 70100 and has the NACE code: Activities of head offices. Draper Tool Group Ltd(the) reported its account information for the period that ended on 2022-08-31. The business latest confirmation statement was released on 2023-06-17.
In order to satisfy its clientele, this limited company is constantly developed by a unit of four directors who are, amongst the rest, Graham W., Joseph D. and Thomas D.. Their outstanding services have been of critical use to this specific limited company since 25th May 2022. Additionally, the director's tasks are regularly supported by a secretary - Joseph D., who was chosen by this specific limited company on 31st January 2023.