Direct Accountants Ltd may be contacted at 318 Keighley Road, in Bradford. The firm area code is BD9 4EX. Direct Accountants has been present on the British market since the company was registered in 2006. The firm Companies House Reg No. is 05954455. The company known today as Direct Accountants Ltd was known as Business Accounts Solutions Uk until 2012-09-12 then the name was changed. This enterprise's declared SIC number is 69202, that means Bookkeeping activities. Its latest filed accounts documents describe the period up to 2022/10/31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2022/10/03.
On 5th October 2015, the enterprise was seeking a Senior Accountant - Fantastic City Location to fill a post in City Of London. They offered a job with wage from £25000.00 to £35000.00 per year.
Muhammad A. is the following firm's single director, who was designated to this position on 2020-06-02. Since October 2006 Bilal S., had been fulfilling assigned duties for this limited company till the resignation 4 years ago. In addition, the managing director's duties are often helped with by a secretary - Bilal S., who was selected by this limited company in June 2020.