General information


Dgtl Limited

Office Address:

Dgtl Ltd, 17 Ringwood Rd Farnborough GU14 8BG Hampshire

Number: 06133797

Incorporation date: 2007-03-01

End of financial year: 31 March

Category: Private Limited Company

Status: Active


Data updated on:

2007 marks the founding of Dgtl Ltd, a firm located at Dgtl Ltd, 17 Ringwood Rd, Farnborough, Hampshire. That would make seventeen years Dgtl has been in the UK, as the company was registered on 2007-03-01. Its Companies House Registration Number is 06133797 and the company zip code is GU14 8BG. This enterprise's principal business activity number is 62090 and their NACE code stands for Other information technology service activities. 2022-03-31 is the last time the accounts were filed.

When it comes to this business, the majority of director's duties have so far been fulfilled by Ruth M. and Jeremy B.. Within the group of these two executives, Jeremy B. has managed business for the longest time, having been one of the many members of company's Management Board since 2007. In order to help the directors in their tasks, the abovementioned business has been using the skills of Ruth M. as a secretary since 2007.

Executives who control the firm include: Jeremy B. owns 1/2 or less of company shares. Ruth M. owns 1/2 or less of company shares.

Financial data based on annual reports

Company staff

Ruth M.

Role: Director

Appointed: 01 March 2017

Latest update: 16 August 2024

Jeremy B.

Role: Director

Appointed: 01 March 2007

Latest update: 16 August 2024

Ruth M.

Role: Secretary

Appointed: 01 March 2007

Latest update: 16 August 2024

People with significant control

Jeremy B.
Notified on 1 July 2016
Nature of control:
1/2 or less of shares
Ruth M.
Notified on 1 July 2016
Nature of control:
1/2 or less of shares

Accounts Documents

Account next due date 31 December 2023
Account last made up date 31 March 2022
Confirmation statement next due date 15 March 2024
Confirmation statement last made up date 01 March 2023
Annual Accounts 21 June 2013
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2012-04-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 2013-03-31
Date Approval Accounts 21 June 2013
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2013-04-01
Annual Accounts 11 May 2015
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2014-04-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 2015-03-31
Date Approval Accounts 11 May 2015
Annual Accounts 28 November 2016
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2015-04-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 2016-03-31
Date Approval Accounts 28 November 2016
Annual Accounts 13 February 2018
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2016-04-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 2017-03-31
Date Approval Accounts 13 February 2018
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2017-04-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 2018-03-31
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2018-04-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 2019-03-31
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2020-04-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2021
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2021-04-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2022
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2022-04-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2023
Annual Accounts 7 June 2014
End Date For Period Covered By Report 2014-03-31
Date Approval Accounts 7 June 2014
Annual Accounts
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2020

Company filings

Filing category

Hide filing type
Accounts Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers
Free Download
Confirmation statement with no updates 1st March 2024 (CS01)
filed on: 1st, March 2024
confirmation statement
Free Download Download filing (3 pages)

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Services (by SIC Code)

  • 62090 : Other information technology service activities
Company Age

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