Delivered Uk came into being in 1982 as a company enlisted under no 01658317, located at HP12 3ST High Wycombe at 375 Stirling Road. This firm has been in business for fourty three years and its state is active. Delivered Uk Ltd was listed thirteen years ago as Scarlet Couriers (slough). This company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 49410 and their NACE code stands for Freight transport by road. 2022-05-31 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
Delivered Uk Ltd is a medium-sized transport company with the licence number OH1122299. The firm has two transport operating centres in the country. In their subsidiary in Reading on Woodley, 13 machines and 8 trailers are available. The centre in Slough has 6 machines and 2 trailers.
On 14th August 2014, the firm was employing a Van Multi Drop Driver to fill a full time vacancy in High Wycombe, Home Counties. They offered an overtime with salary from £13650 to £14625 per year. The offered position required entry level employee experience and a CSE or its equivalent. Applicants for the job were asked to contact the company at the following email address: john.williams@delivered.netincluding reference code MD01.
The firm owes its achievements and unending improvement to a group of seven directors, specifically Jonathan B., Jamie B., Glen R. and 4 other directors have been described below, who have been in charge of it since February 2021. Moreover, the director's responsibilities are regularly supported by a secretary - Leslie P., who was appointed by this specific firm in December 2018.