Deighton Lodge is a firm located at YO19 6HQ York at Rush Farm York Road. This company was formed in 2013 and is established as reg. no. 08660106. This company has been actively competing on the English market for 11 years now and the current state is active. This company's registered with SIC code 55100, that means Hotels and similar accommodation. Wednesday 31st August 2022 is the last time when the company accounts were reported.
According to the latest update, there is only one director in the company: Carla M. (since Thu, 22nd Aug 2013). Since 2013 Drew M., had been functioning as a director for the company up to the moment of the resignation 2 years ago.
Carla M. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 1/2 to 3/4 of company shares and has over 1/2 to 3/4 of voting rights.