Dash Coffee And Spice began its business in the year 2011 as a Private Limited Company with reg. no. 07814867. This firm has been active for thirteen years and the present status is active. This firm's headquarters is registered in London at 30 Seeley Drive. You could also locate this business by its postal code : SE21 8QR. The enterprise's declared SIC number is 47190 and their NACE code stands for Other retail sale in non-specialised stores. Dash Coffee And Spice Limited filed its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2022-09-29. The business latest confirmation statement was released on 2022-10-21.
In this firm, just about all of director's responsibilities have so far been done by Habtu G. who was arranged to perform management duties thirteen years ago. What is more, the managing director's tasks are constantly assisted with by a secretary - Gebriel G., who was chosen by the firm in 2011.
Gabriel G. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.