This business operates under the name of Dark Horse Theatre. It first started twenty four years ago and was registered with 04015695 as the registration number. The registered office of this firm is registered in Huddersfield. You can reach it at Lawrence Batley Theatre, Queen Street. The company's present name is Dark Horse Theatre. This company's former clients may recognize the firm as Full Body And The Voice, which was in use up till March 23, 2012. This company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 90010 - Performing arts. Thu, 31st Mar 2022 is the last time the company accounts were filed.
The firm was registered as a charity on 2000-09-04. It works under charity registration number 1082267. The range of the charity's activity is not defined and it operates in multiple places around Throughout England And Wales. As for the charity's financial summary, their most prosperous period was in 2012 when they earned £218,247 and their expenditures were £177,437. Dark Horse Theatre concentrates its efforts on the problem of disability, human rights / religious or racial harmony and training and education. It tries to support children or young people, people with disabilities, people with disabilities. It provides help to the above beneficiaries by the means of sponsoring or undertaking research, conducting research or supporting it financially and counselling and providing advocacy. If you wish to learn something more about the charity's undertakings, dial them on the following number 01484 484441 or see their website.
Given the enterprise's constant growth, it became unavoidable to acquire additional company leaders, to name just a few: Diane C., Sameena H., David C. who have been aiding each other since October 20, 2020 to exercise independent judgement of the company. What is more, the managing director's assignments are often helped with by a secretary - Iain B., who was appointed by the company on June 12, 2023.