Started with Reg No. 03026221 29 years ago, Daisybrook Limited was set up as a Private Limited Company. The business official office address is 5th Floor Metropolitan House, 3 Darkes Lane Potters Bar. The enterprise's registered with SIC code 87900 which stands for Other residential care activities n.e.c.. Daisybrook Ltd reported its account information for the financial period up to 2022-09-30. The business latest annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-02-24.
13 transactions have been registered in 2015 with a sum total of £76,420. In 2014 there was a similar number of transactions (exactly 23) that added up to £202,786. The Council conducted 24 transactions in 2013, this added up to £226,286. All the transactions taken into account were valued at 500 pounds or more. In total, the company conducted 128 transactions and issued invoices for £1,021,106. Cooperation with the Sandwell Council council covered the following areas: Childrens Services, Childrens And Education Services and Total Adult Social Care.
As stated, the company was created 29 years ago and has so far been overseen by eleven directors, and out of them two (Christopher D. and Farouq S.) are still functioning.