1988 signifies the beginning of Cytec Industrial Materials (derby) Limited, the company which is situated at Composites House Sinclair Close, Heanor Gate Industrial Estate in Heanor. This means it's been 36 years Cytec Industrial Materials (derby) has been on the market, as it was established on 1988-06-06. The Companies House Registration Number is 02264869 and the company postal code is DE75 7SP. It has been already eleven years from the moment The company's registered name is Cytec Industrial Materials (derby) Limited, but till 2013 the name was Umeco Structural Materials ( Derby ) and before that, up till 2012-04-02 the company was known as Advanced Composites Group. This means it has used three other names. The enterprise's principal business activity number is 22290: Manufacture of other plastic products. The business latest financial reports describe the period up to December 31, 2022 and the most recent confirmation statement was released on December 31, 2022.
In order to meet the requirements of its clients, this particular business is permanently being led by a unit of three directors who are Benjamin M., Mark D. and Jonathan N.. Their work been of prime importance to the business since October 2024. To find professional help with legal documentation, this business has been utilizing the skills of Shima H. as a secretary since 2024.