Located in 8 Devonshire Square, London EC2M 4PL Csoneb Limited is a Private Limited Company with 10865745 Companies House Reg No. The company was started 7 years ago. This enterprise's SIC code is 35110 - Production of electricity. The company's latest filed accounts documents provide detailed information about the period up to Fri, 30th Sep 2022 and the latest annual confirmation statement was released on Thu, 13th Jul 2023.
From the data we have, the following company was founded in 2017 and has been governed by three directors, out of whom two (Justin K. and Ben P.) are still in the management.
The companies that control this firm are as follows: Clearstone One Limited owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights. This business can be reached in Weybridge at Church Street, KT13 8DE, Surrey and was registered as a PSC under the registration number 10487840.