Crest Homes Estate Agents Limited can be contacted at 249 Wick Road, in Hackney. The firm zip code is E9 5DG. Crest Homes Estate Agents has been present in this business since the company was started in 2012. The firm registered no. is 08281487. The firm currently known as Crest Homes Estate Agents Limited, was earlier known under the name of Crest Home Estate Agents. The change has occurred in 2012-11-30. The company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 55900 meaning Other accommodation. 2022-11-30 is the last time account status updates were reported.
Sikiru Y. is the enterprise's solitary director, that was designated to this position in 2014 in August. Since 2016 Yemi A., had performed assigned duties for this firm till the resignation on 2017-02-22. As a follow-up a different director, specifically Ademola A. gave up the position in 2019.
Sikiru Y. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.