This particular company is located in London under the ID 07678020. It was registered in 2011. The main office of this company is situated at Thames House 2nd Floor 3 Wellington Street. The zip code is SE18 6NY. Its official name transformation from Create For You (london) to Create For You (consulting) Limited occurred on 2012/10/25. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 43390 meaning Other building completion and finishing. The company's most recent financial reports describe the period up to 2023-03-31 and the most current confirmation statement was released on 2023-06-30.
As for this specific firm, the full scope of director's tasks have so far been performed by Andre T. who was designated to this position on 2011/06/22. This firm had been overseen by Gary A. until February 2024. Additionally a different director, including Andrew H. resigned in August 2012.