Cranstoun with Companies House Reg No. 03306337 has been on the market for twenty seven years. This Pri/lbg/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital, Use Of 'limited' Exemption) can be contacted at Thames Mews, Portsmouth Road in Esher and company's post code is KT10 9AD. thirteen years from now this business switched its name from Cranstoun Drug Services to Cranstoun. The firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 86900 which means Other human health activities. 2022-03-31 is the last time the company accounts were filed.
With two recruitment announcements since 2014-09-26, the company has been an active employer on the job market. On 2014-11-05, it started employing candidates for a Business and Performance Analyst post in Surbiton, and on 2014-09-26, for the vacant post of a Deputy Director of Operations in South East England.
The enterprise was registered as a charity on 1997-03-26. It is registered under charity number 1061582. The range of the charity's area of benefit is not defined.. They provide aid in Throughout England. As concerns the charity's financial situation, their most successful period was in 2013 when they raised 12,014,000 pounds and their expenditures were 11,916,000 pounds. Cranstoun focuses on saving lives and the advancement of health and the advancement of health and saving of lives. It works to improve the situation of children or young people, other definied groups, children or youth. It provides aid to its beneficiaries by providing various services and providing various services. If you wish to find out something more about the charity's activity, call them on the following number 020 8335 1830 or see their official website.
At the moment, the directors listed by the following firm include: Gail G. chosen to lead the company in 2024, Gary R. chosen to lead the company in 2024 in April, Alistair G. chosen to lead the company in 2022 in January and 7 other members of the Management Board who might be found within the Company Staff section of this page. In order to help the directors in their tasks, this specific firm has been utilizing the skillset of Lisa H. as a secretary since August 2022.