The business is based in Brighton with reg. no. 09939268. The firm was established in 2016. The headquarters of the firm is located at Preston Park House South Road. The zip code for this place is BN1 6SB. From 2nd April 2016 Ng Kennington Limited is no longer under the business name Cpc 2. The company's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 68310 meaning Real estate agencies. 2021-12-31 is the last time when company accounts were filed.
Karen G. is the following company's solitary managing director, who was arranged to perform management duties one year ago. Since 2023 Rachel N., had been responsible for a variety of tasks within this specific company up to the moment of the resignation on 15th August 2023. As a follow-up another director, namely Nicholas G. gave up the position on 17th July 2023.