Communication Spares (u.k.) started its business in the year 1991 as a Private Limited Company under the ID 02622467. This particular company has been prospering for 33 years and the present status is active. This firm's head office is based in Washington at 18 Bridgewater Road. You could also locate this business utilizing its post code : NE37 2SG. This firm's SIC and NACE codes are 61200 and has the NACE code: Wireless telecommunications activities. 2022-09-30 is the last time account status updates were reported.
2 transactions have been registered in 2010 with a sum total of £9,732. Cooperation with the Dartford Borough Council council covered the following areas: Non Standard Expenditure.
The directors currently chosen by the following firm are: Lorna H. appointed in 2007 and Michael H. appointed on 7th September 2007. In order to support the directors in their duties, the firm has been using the skills of Lorna H. as a secretary since the appointment on 7th September 2007.