11145547 - registration number used by Cjt Project Management Limited. This company was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2018-01-11. This company has been operating in this business for the last six years. The company may be reached at 8/10 South Street in Epsom. The post code assigned is KT18 7PF. This company's SIC code is 68320 - Management of real estate on a fee or contract basis. Cjt Project Management Ltd reported its latest accounts for the period that ended on 2022-03-31. The business most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-01-10.
So far, the following firm has only had 1 director: Christopher T. who has been guiding it for six years. In order to help the directors in their tasks, this specific firm has been utilizing the skills of Christopher T. as a secretary since 2018.
Executives with significant control over the firm are: Christopher T. owns 1/2 or less of company shares. Joanne T. owns 1/2 or less of company shares.