The company is situated in Oxford under the ID 04322742. The firm was set up in 2001. The headquarters of this firm is situated at 8 King Edward Street . The area code for this place is OX1 4HL. This company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 85320, that means Technical and vocational secondary education. The latest annual accounts cover the period up to 2022/12/31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2022/11/14.
The firm started working as a charity on Fri, 9th May 2003. Its charity registration number is 1097436. The geographic range of the charity's activity is not defined.. They operate in Throughout England And Wales. In terms of the charity's financial summary, their most successful year was 2008 when they earned 47,068 pounds and their expenditures were 57,800 pounds. The charity focuses on the area of amateur sport, training and education and education and training. It devotes its dedicates its efforts the whole mankind, the whole humanity. It provides help to the above recipients by providing various services and providing specific services. If you want to find out anything else about the enterprise's undertakings, dial them on the following number 07836 641277 or check their official website.
The knowledge we have about this particular firm's executives reveals that there are four directors: Beau D., Julius G., Deborah B. and Martin B. who joined the company's Management Board on 2012/01/23, 2010/10/19 and 2004/10/27.