08089676 is a registration number used by Christian Grant Properties Ltd.. This company was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2012-05-30. This company has been operating on the market for 12 years. This enterprise can be reached at Suite 1 Liberty House South Liberty Lane in Bristol. The company's postal code assigned to this address is BS3 2ST. This company is recognized under the name of Christian Grant Properties Ltd.. It should be noted that the company also was listed as Christian Grant until the company name was replaced eight years ago. This firm's SIC code is 41202 and their NACE code stands for Construction of domestic buildings. The latest accounts were submitted for the period up to 2021-05-31 and the most current confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-05-30.
At the moment, the directors listed by this firm are: Mae D. chosen to lead the company in 2017 and Kevin D. chosen to lead the company in 2012. What is more, the director's responsibilities are constantly supported by a secretary - Draper O., who joined the firm in 2016.