The business is registered in London with reg. no. 10528220. This firm was registered in 2016. The main office of the company is located at 140 Shepherds Bush Road . The post code for this location is W6 7PB. This company's registered with SIC code 56101 - Licensed restaurants. The company's most recent financial reports detail the period up to 2022-12-31 and the most recent confirmation statement was released on 2022-10-14.
Regarding the following company, all of director's responsibilities have so far been done by Stefano M. who was appointed on 2022-12-02. For one year Sara D., had been responsible for a variety of tasks within the following company till the resignation in 2022. What is more another director, specifically Pierpaolo B. quit in 2021.
Stefano M. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.