1997 is the date that marks the beginning of Children's Liver Disease Foundation, a company that is situated at 36 Great Charles Street, , Birmingham. That would make twenty eight years Children's Liver Disease Foundation has existed on the market, as it was founded on 1997-09-09. The company's Companies House Reg No. is 03431169 and the company postal code is B3 3JY. The enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 96090 and has the NACE code: Other service activities not elsewhere classified. Saturday 31st December 2022 is the last time company accounts were reported.
The firm started working as a charity on 1998/01/09. Its charity registration number is 1067331. The range of the charity's activity is not defined and it works in different locations in Throughout England And Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland. In terms of the charity's financial statement, their most prosperous period was in 2013 when their income was £1,656,717 and their spendings were £910,570. Children's Liver Disease Foundation focuses on the advancement of health and saving of lives and the advancement of health and saving of lives. It tries to support the youngest, the youngest. It provides help to its recipients by the means of doing research or supporting it financially, sponsoring or doing research and providing specific services. If you wish to get to know anything else about the company's undertakings, dial them on this number 0121 212 3839 or see their website.
The following limited company owes its accomplishments and permanent progress to a team of four directors, who are Richard T., Philip O., Georgina C. and Mairi E., who have been managing it for two years.