Chargepoint Technology has been operating on the market for at least seventeen years. Established under company registration number 06751239, this firm is registered as a Private Limited Company. You can contact the headquarters of this firm during its opening hours under the following location: 58 Evans Road, L24 9PB Liverpool. Established as Cobco 894, the company used the name up till 2008-12-03, when it was replaced by Chargepoint Technology Limited. The company's principal business activity number is 28140 meaning Manufacture of taps and valves. Chargepoint Technology Ltd reported its account information for the financial period up to Sat, 31st Dec 2022. The company's latest annual confirmation statement was filed on Thu, 17th Nov 2022.
With four job advertisements since Thu, 26th Oct 2017, Chargepoint Technology has been relatively active on the employment market. On Tue, 6th Feb 2018, it was searching for job candidates for a Travel and Support Administrator post in Liverpool, and on Thu, 26th Oct 2017, for the vacant post of a Marketing & Events Assistant in Liverpool. They hire workers on such positions as: Quality Technician / Goods Receiving Inspector and Buyer .
The firm has registered two trademarks, all are valid. The first trademark was registered in 2013. The one which will lose its validity first, that is in July, 2023 is CHARGEPOINT PHARMASAFE.
The limited company owes its accomplishments and permanent development to exactly three directors, specifically Emma S., Antony O. and Christopher E., who have been guiding the company since 2020. Moreover, the managing director's efforts are constantly assisted with by a secretary - Danielle D., who was officially appointed by this limited company on 2023-09-29.