Character Holdings started its operations in 1957 as a Private Limited Company under the ID 00583778. The company has been functioning for sixty eight years and it's currently active. This firm's office is situated in Surrey at 2 Home Farm Close. You can also find the company using the postal code : RH3 7DX. This business's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 96090 which stands for Other service activities not elsewhere classified. The firm's latest financial reports were submitted for the period up to 2022/12/31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2022/11/14.
At present, there is only one managing director in the company: Jane T. (since Thursday 14th November 1991). Jean T. had performed assigned duties for the firm up to the moment of the resignation in 2019. Additionally another director, specifically Ronald T. gave up the position one year ago.