The business is registered in Redhill under the following Company Registration No.: 03597393. This firm was established in the year 1998. The main office of this firm is situated at The Old Mill, Kings Mill Kings Mill Lane South Nutfield. The post code for this address is RH1 5NB. This firm's SIC code is 63910: News agency activities. Central News Ltd filed its account information for the financial period up to 2022-12-31. The company's most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-07-14.
Because of this enterprise's constant expansion, it was vital to appoint more directors: Guy T. and Scott W. who have been aiding each other since July 1998 for the benefit of the business. Additionally, the director's responsibilities are regularly backed by a secretary - Scott W., who was chosen by the business on 1998-07-14.