Cc's Nursery Ltd can be reached at London at 1146 High Road. You can look up this business by referencing its postal code - N20 0RA. Cc's Nursery's founding dates back to 2011. The enterprise is registered under the number 07734121 and company's official state is active. The enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 85100: Pre-primary education. 2022/08/31 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
The company operates as a hospital, childcare centre or caring centre. Its FHRSID is PI/000171996. It reports to Enfield and its last food inspection was carried out on Friday 11th March 2022 in St Michael At Bowes Church Hall, London, N22 8RB. The most recent quality assessment result obtained by the company is 4, which translates as good. The components comprising this value are the following inspection results: 5 for hygiene, 10 for its structural management and 5 for confidence in management.
Right now, the business is administered by a solitary managing director: Christiana C., who was assigned this position in August 2011. The business had been governed by Christakis P. until 2011-08-09.