General information


Cas Mcgee Limited

Office Address:

130a Darkes Lane EN6 1AF Potters Bar

Number: 06829513

Incorporation date: 2009-02-25

End of financial year: 31 March

Category: Private Limited Company

Status: Active


Data updated on:

Cas Mcgee Ltd has existed in the UK for at least fifteen years. Started with Registered No. 06829513 in the year 2009, it have office at 130a Darkes Lane, Potters Bar EN6 1AF. This company's principal business activity number is 69201 : Accounting and auditing activities. The firm's most recent filed accounts documents describe the period up to Thursday 31st March 2022 and the latest annual confirmation statement was released on Saturday 25th February 2023.

This company has a single director at the moment supervising this particular firm, namely Costas S. who has been performing the director's tasks since February 25, 2009. Since 2011 Marios G., had performed the duties for the following firm up to the moment of the resignation in 2015. In addition another director, specifically Marios G. quit in November 2010.

Financial data based on annual reports

Company staff

Costas S.

Role: Director

Appointed: 25 February 2009

Latest update: 12 August 2024

People with significant control

Executives who control the firm include: Costas S. owns 1/2 or less of company shares and has 1/2 or less of voting rights. Marios G. has substantial control or influence over the company owns over 1/2 to 3/4 of company shares and has over 1/2 to 3/4 of voting rights.

Costas S.
Notified on 1 April 2019
Nature of control:
1/2 or less of voting rights
right to manage directors
1/2 or less of shares
Marios G.
Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control:
over 1/2 to 3/4 of shares
substantial control or influence
over 1/2 to 3/4 of voting rights
right to manage directors

Accounts Documents

Account next due date 31 December 2023
Account last made up date 31 March 2022
Confirmation statement next due date 10 March 2024
Confirmation statement last made up date 25 February 2023
Annual Accounts 30 December 2014
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 April 2013
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2014
Date Approval Accounts 30 December 2014
Annual Accounts 22 December 2015
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 April 2014
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2015
Date Approval Accounts 22 December 2015
Annual Accounts 29 December 2016
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 April 2015
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2016
Date Approval Accounts 29 December 2016
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 April 2016
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2017
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 April 2018
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2019
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 April 2020
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2021
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 April 2021
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2022
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 April 2022
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2023
Annual Accounts 30 December 2013
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 March 2013
Date Approval Accounts 30 December 2013

Company filings

Filing category

Hide filing type
Accounts Address Annual return Confirmation statement Incorporation Officers Persons with significant control
Free Download
Confirmation statement with no updates 25th February 2024 (CS01)
filed on: 7th, March 2024
confirmation statement
Free Download Download filing (3 pages)

Additional Information

HQ address,


87 Uvedale Road

Post code:


City / Town:


HQ address,


4 Chalk Lane Cockfosters

Post code:


City / Town:


HQ address,


4 Chalk Lane Cockfosters

Post code:


City / Town:


2013 - 2014


Cas Mcgee Ltd


4 Chalk Lane Cockfosters

Post code:


City / Town:




Cas Mcgee Ltd


4 Chalk Lane Cockfosters

Post code:


City / Town:


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Services (by SIC Code)

  • 69201 : Accounting and auditing activities
Company Age

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