Cammell Laird (teesside) Limited has existed in the business for at least 38 years. Registered with number 02198111 in 1987, the company is registered at Pricewaterhousecoopers Llp, 33 Wellington Street LS1 4JP. The company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 3511 which means Building and repairing of ships. Cammell Laird (teesside) Ltd filed its account information for the period that ended on 2000/04/30. The most recent annual return information was released on 2001/03/13.
There is a team of two directors controlling this limited company right now, including Richard B. and Derek T. who have been executing the directors assignments for 25 years. What is more, the director's efforts are often aided with by a secretary - David C., who was selected by the limited company in 1998.