C. Robinson & is a business located at DN34 4EE N.e. Lincs at 139 Yarborough Road. This company was set up in 2004 and is registered under the identification number 05065055. This company has been operating on the English market for twenty years now and company last known status is active. This firm's principal business activity number is 69201 which stands for Accounting and auditing activities. C. Robinson & Co Ltd reported its account information for the financial period up to Thursday 31st March 2022. The firm's latest confirmation statement was filed on Friday 3rd February 2023.
Since February 28, 2005, the business has only had a single director: Clive R. who has been maintaining it for 19 years.
Clive R. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.