Bursary Mews has been operating in this business for 23 years. Registered under no. 04177406, the company operates as a Private Limited Company. You may visit the headquarters of the company during office hours under the following location: 12 Abbey Road, DN32 0HL Grimsby. The enterprise's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 98000 which means Residents property management. March 31, 2022 is the last time account status updates were filed.
At the moment, this limited company is the workplace of a solitary managing director: David A., who was selected to lead the company on 20th February 2024. This limited company had been managed by Neville P. up until 20th February 2024. What is more a different director, namely Stephanie E. resigned in July 2011.
David A. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.