Started with Reg No. 08696625 eleven years ago, Boleslaw Delikatesy Ltd is categorised as a Private Limited Company. Its active mailing address is 9 Walmgate Road, Perivale Greenford. It is known as Boleslaw Delikatesy Ltd. Moreover the firm also was registered as Boleslaw Polski Delikatesy up till the name was replaced 11 years ago. The enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 47110 and has the NACE code: . Its latest filed accounts documents were submitted for the period up to 2021-12-31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-09-19.
The directors currently listed by the following business include: Balakumar P. arranged to perform management duties in 2013 and Niruja B. arranged to perform management duties on Thursday 19th September 2013.
Balakumar P. is the individual who has control over this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.