Bmh Estate Agents & Property Management Limited with the registration number 04782567 has been a part of the business world for 21 years. The Private Limited Company can be reached at 15 Seaview Street, Cleethorpes in N E Lincolnshire and its area code is DN35 8EU. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 68310 which means Real estate agencies. Bmh Estate Agents & Property Management Ltd filed its latest accounts for the financial year up to Monday 31st July 2023. The firm's latest confirmation statement was released on Tuesday 8th August 2023.
For this limited company, the majority of director's obligations have so far been carried out by Katherine H. and David H.. Amongst these two executives, Katherine H. has been with the limited company the longest, having become a vital part of officers' team on 2003. In order to provide support to the directors, this particular limited company has been utilizing the skills of Katherine H. as a secretary since May 2003.
David H. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares.