Based in 181 Horninglow Street, Burton-on-trent DE14 1NJ Blues Point Ltd is classified as a Private Limited Company registered under the 04665919 registration number. This company was started on 2003-02-13. The firm's SIC code is 78200 meaning Temporary employment agency activities. 2022-02-28 is the last time the company accounts were filed.
Having 18 recruitment offers since Tuesday 24th March 2015, the company has been among the most active companies on the employment market. Most recently, it was looking for candidates in Leicester, Burton-On-Trent and Birmingham. They employ employees on such posts as: Software Implementation Consultant - ERP/Retail/Multichannel, Senior Software developer C#, TSQL, Winforms, Entity, TDD and Senior Developer/Agile Advocate C# ASP.NET MVC.
The directors currently appointed by the following limited company are as follow: Alexander H. designated to this position in 2003 in February and Matthew B. designated to this position on 2003-02-13.