The company is based in Tadworth under the ID 03165798. The firm was established in the year 1996. The main office of the firm is situated at Little Monkhams The Glade Kingswood. The post code for this location is KT20 6LL. This firm has been on the market under three different names. Its initial listed name, Wellington Place Property Developments, was changed on 15th October 1997 to Mark Staples Consulting. The current name, used since 2004, is Betchworth Limited. The enterprise's principal business activity number is 41202 and has the NACE code: Construction of domestic buildings. Betchworth Ltd reported its latest accounts for the period up to 2022-04-05. The latest confirmation statement was released on 2023-02-28.
At present, there is a single managing director in the company: Jonathan S. (since 28th February 1996). That firm had been supervised by Laura S. until March 2014. Furthermore a different director, including Mark S. resigned in 2006.
Jonathan S. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.