Rosewater Design is a business located at HR5 3RB Kington at Unit 1. The company has been in existence since 2000 and is registered under reg. no. 03956256. The company has been actively competing on the UK market for 24 years now and its current status is active. The company's listed name change from Benchmark Specialist Fabrications to Rosewater Design Limited took place on 2015-08-12. This company's SIC and NACE codes are 32990, that means Other manufacturing n.e.c.. 2023-03-31 is the last time when company accounts were filed.
According to the latest data, there seems to be a solitary managing director in the company: Robert S. (since 2000-03-24). That firm had been presided over by Susan S. till March 2013. In addition a different director, including Phillip G. gave up the position on 2000-05-25.
Robert S. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.