00945450 is the registration number assigned to Bellstan Limited. The company was registered as a Private Limited Company on 1969-01-06. The company has been present on the market for the last 56 years. This company may be gotten hold of in Unit 1 Brunel House Station Road Mortimer in Reading. The company's zip code assigned to this place is RG7 2AB. This company's SIC and NACE codes are 43999 meaning Other specialised construction activities not elsewhere classified. 2023-01-31 is the last time when the company accounts were reported.
On Mon, 27th Jul 2015, the firm was searching for a Sales Ledger Clerk/Credit Controller to fill a full time post in the infrastructure construction in Reading, Home Counties. The offered job required experienced worker and a GCSE.
We have identified 3 councils and public departments cooperating with the company. The biggest counter party of them all is the Milton Keynes Council, with over 330 transactions from worth at least 500 pounds each, amounting to £745,883 in total. The company also worked with the Department for Transport (1 transaction worth £2,795 in total) and the Hampshire County Council (2 transactions worth £2,023 in total). Bellstan was the service provided to the Milton Keynes Council Council covering the following areas: Transport-related Expenditure, Supplies And Services and Premises-related Expenditure was also the service provided to the Department for Transport Council covering the following areas: Accommodation.
Taking into consideration this specific enterprise's magnitude, it was imperative to choose new directors: Wayne J., Gregory A. and Andrew S. who have been supporting each other since 2021-06-04 to fulfil their statutory duties for the following company.