A&P Estates (developments) has been in this business for nine years. Established under no. 09916355, the company is registered as a Private Limited Company. You can contact the headquarters of the firm during office hours at the following location: 64 Sunnybank Road, EN6 2NL Potters Bar. It is recognized under the name of A&P Estates (developments) Ltd. However, the company also was listed as Beechcroft Partners up till it was replaced 4 years from now. The company's declared SIC number is 68100: Buying and selling of own real estate. Thursday 31st March 2022 is the last time company accounts were filed.
When it comes to the following limited company, most of director's duties up till now have been performed by Jeyachelvy B. and Baskaran T.. When it comes to these two individuals, Jeyachelvy B. has administered limited company the longest, having become a vital part of company's Management Board on 2015.
Jeyachelvy B. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 1/2 to 3/4 of company shares and has over 1/2 to 3/4 of voting rights.