07812916 is the registration number assigned to Bee Naturelle Limited. This firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on Monday 17th October 2011. This firm has been operating in this business for the last thirteen years. The firm can be found at 278 Ewell Road in Surbiton. The office's area code assigned to this location is KT6 7AG. This enterprise's classified under the NACE and SIC code 47510 - Retail sale of textiles in specialised stores. The company's most recent financial reports describe the period up to 31st October 2022 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 18th September 2023.
As for the company, most of director's tasks up till now have been carried out by Kandiah V. and Ratnaruby V.. As for these two executives, Ratnaruby V. has managed company for the longest period of time, having been a part of the Management Board since Monday 1st April 2013.
Kandiah V. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.