12182697 - registration number for Beautyful Bodies Ltd. It was registered as a Private Limited Company on 2019-08-30. It has been on the market for the last 5 years. This business can be gotten hold of in Sutton Lodge, Firs Road, Alderbury, Salisbury, Sutton Lodge Firs Road Alderbury in Salisbury. The company's postal code assigned to this location is SP5 3BD. The enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 96020 which means Hairdressing and other beauty treatment. The most recent annual accounts detail the period up to 2022-08-31 and the most current confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-08-29.
Chantelle L. is the enterprise's solitary managing director, that was chosen to lead the company on 2019-08-30.
Chantelle L. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.