Balloch Properties is a firm situated at SL8 5JJ Bourne End at Beaumont House. This firm was set up in 1999 and is registered under the registration number 03725539. This firm has been present on the UK market for twenty five years now and company official state is active. Its current name is Balloch Properties Limited. This business's previous associates may recognize this company also as Legislator 1421, which was used up till Wednesday 28th April 1999. This business's registered with SIC code 68100, that means Buying and selling of own real estate. The business most recent filed accounts documents describe the period up to 30th June 2022 and the latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on 28th February 2023.
At the moment, the limited company has 1 director: Andrew C., who was appointed seventeen years ago. For eleven years Edith M., had been fulfilling assigned duties for the limited company up until the resignation in July 2010. Furthermore a different director, specifically Melanie W. resigned on Saturday 31st July 2010.