The business is registered in Doncaster under the ID 06358143. The company was registered in 2007. The main office of the company is located at 35 Thorne Road . The area code for this place is DN1 2HD. This business's SIC code is 98000 and their NACE code stands for Residents property management. Babworth Road Property Management Ltd released its account information for the period up to 2022-08-31. The company's most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-08-31.
As for this particular company, a variety of director's responsibilities have so far been performed by David R. who was selected to lead the company in 2007 in August. For sixteen years Andrew R., had been fulfilling assigned duties for this company up to the moment of the resignation on Fri, 30th Jun 2023.
David R. is the individual who controls this firm.