Azentio Software (UK) Limited could be gotten hold of in C/o Tmf Group 13th Floor, One Angel Court in London. The firm area code is EC2R 7HJ. Azentio Software (UK) has been active in this business since it was started in 2021. The firm Companies House Reg No. is 13185353. This firm's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 62012 meaning Business and domestic software development. The company's latest financial reports were submitted for the period up to December 31, 2021 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was released on February 7, 2023.
Karthikeyan V. is this company's solitary director, who was appointed on Mon, 6th Mar 2023. Since 2021 Anthony K., had performed the duties for the firm up until the resignation in March 2023. Additionally a different director, specifically Dieudonne S. resigned on Wed, 2nd Jun 2021. At least one secretary in this firm is a limited company, specifically Tmf Corporate Administration Services Limited.