General information


Ainalaiyn Limited

Office Address:

Flat 7 Rutland House Marloes Road W8 5LE London

Number: 13807202

Incorporation date: 2021-12-17

End of financial year: 31 December

Category: Private Limited Company

Status: Active


Data updated on:

Ainalaiyn started conducting its operations in the year 2021 as a Private Limited Company with reg. no. 13807202. The firm has been functioning for three years and it's currently active. The company's registered office is located in London at Flat 7 Rutland House. Anyone could also locate this business using its zip code : W8 5LE. Since Fri, 28th Jan 2022 Ainalaiyn Ltd is no longer under the name Aynalayn. The company's SIC and NACE codes are 46180 meaning Agents specialized in the sale of other particular products. December 31, 2022 is the last time the accounts were filed.

This company has a single managing director currently supervising the firm, namely Indira Z. who has been utilizing the director's assignments for three years.

Indira Z. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.

  • Previous company's names
  • Ainalaiyn Ltd 2022-01-28
  • Aynalayn Ltd 2021-12-17

Financial data based on annual reports

Company staff

Indira Z.

Role: Director

Appointed: 17 December 2021

Latest update: 8 October 2024

People with significant control

Indira Z.
Notified on 17 December 2021
Nature of control:
over 3/4 of shares

Accounts Documents

Account next due date 30 September 2024
Account last made up date 31 December 2022
Confirmation statement next due date 28 December 2023
Confirmation statement last made up date 14 December 2022
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 17 December 2021
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2022
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 1 January 2023
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2023

Company filings

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Accounts Change of name Confirmation statement Incorporation
Free Download
Confirmation statement with no updates 11th December 2023 (CS01)
filed on: 11th, December 2023
confirmation statement
Free Download Download filing (3 pages)

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Services (by SIC Code)

  • 46180 : Agents specialized in the sale of other particular products
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