Registered with number 10148441 8 years ago, Assets And Equity Limited is a Private Limited Company. Its latest mailing address is 26 Leigh Road, Eastleigh. This firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 68100 and their NACE code stands for Buying and selling of own real estate. Assets And Equity Ltd reported its account information for the financial year up to 2019-04-30. Its most recent confirmation statement was filed on 2019-08-07.
According to the latest data, there’s only one managing director in the company: Roy E. (since 2016-04-26). Since 2016-04-26 Philip A., had been supervising this limited company till the resignation on 2018-08-06.
Roy E. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares.