General information


Arena Limited

Office Address:

Mark J Rees Chartered Accountants, Granville Hall LE1 7RU 11 Granville Road

Number: 05428112

Incorporation date: 2005-04-18

End of financial year: 31 December

Category: Private Limited Company

Status: Active


Data updated on:

Arena is a business with it's headquarters at LE1 7RU 11 Granville Road at Mark J Rees Chartered. The firm has been operating since 2005 and is established as reg. no. 05428112. The firm has been present on the British market for 19 years now and the current state is active. This firm's registered with SIC code 99999 which stands for Dormant Company. Arena Limited reported its latest accounts for the period up to Sat, 31st Dec 2022. The business latest annual confirmation statement was filed on Tue, 18th Apr 2023.

The company became a charity on Friday 17th March 2006. It operates under charity registration number 1113321. The range of their activity is not defined. in practice: kenya, africa. and it provides aid in various cities across Kenya. When it comes to the charity's financial summary, their most successful time was in 2010 when they raised £8,000 and their expenditures were £2,000. Arena Limited focuses on training and education, education and training and saving lives and the advancement of health. It works to support children or youth, children or young people. It provides aid to its agents by the means of providing facilities, buildings and open spaces and providing facilities, buildings and open spaces. If you wish to find out something more about the firm's activities, dial them on the following number 0207 376 5967 OR 07764 944206 or go to their official website.

In this specific company, all of director's responsibilities up till now have been carried out by William D. and James D.. Within the group of these two managers, James D. has carried on with the company for the longest period of time, having become a member of directors' team on 2005. To provide support to the directors, this company has been utilizing the skillset of Elizabeth D. as a secretary for the last nineteen years.

Financial data based on annual reports

Company staff

William D.

Role: Director

Appointed: 31 August 2006

Latest update: 6 July 2024

James D.

Role: Director

Appointed: 05 October 2005

Latest update: 6 July 2024

Elizabeth D.

Role: Secretary

Appointed: 05 October 2005

Latest update: 6 July 2024

People with significant control

James D. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.

James D.
Notified on 6 April 2016
Nature of control:
over 3/4 of shares
3/4 to full of voting rights
right to manage directors

Accounts Documents

Account next due date 30 September 2024
Account last made up date 31 December 2022
Confirmation statement next due date 02 May 2024
Confirmation statement last made up date 18 April 2023
Annual Accounts 30 September 2014
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 2013-01-01
End Date For Period Covered By Report 2013-12-31
Date Approval Accounts 30 September 2014
Annual Accounts 15 September 2015
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2014
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2014
Date Approval Accounts 15 September 2015
Annual Accounts 12 September 2016
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2015
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2015
Date Approval Accounts 12 September 2016
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2016
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2016
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2017
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2017
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2018
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2018
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2019
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2019
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2020
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2020
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2021
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2021
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2022
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2022
Annual Accounts
Start Date For Period Covered By Report 01 January 2023
End Date For Period Covered By Report 31 December 2023

Company filings

Filing category

Hide filing type
Accounts Address Annual return Capital Confirmation statement Incorporation Mortgage Officers
Free Download
Dormant company accounts reported for the period up to 2023/12/31 (AA)
filed on: 26th, June 2024
Free Download Download filing (6 pages)

Detailed information about the charity

Charity's details

Name: Arena

Registered number: 1113321

Organisation type: Standard Registration

Area of benefit: Not Defined. In Practice: Kenya, Africa.

Phone: 0207 376 5967 OR 07764 944206

Where operates
  • Kenya

What is the aim of the charity ?
  • Training and education
  • Training and education
  • Improving healthcare conditions
  • Healthcare resarch
Who are they trying to help ?
  • Young ones
  • Young ones
How are they planning to do it ?
  • Provides work space
  • Provides work space
Registration history
Date Event
2006-03-17 Registered
Financial summary
Year end Income Spending Accounts received Accounts return
2013-04-26 £ 200 £ 300 Not required 2014-04-12
2012-04-26 £ 0 £ 2,000 Not required 2013-04-21
2011-04-26 £ 7,000 £ 3,000 Not required 2012-04-07
2010-04-26 £ 8,000 £ 2,000 Not required 2011-03-09
2009-04-26 £ 1,300 £ 200 Not required 2010-01-25

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Services (by SIC Code)

  • 99999 : Dormant Company
Company Age

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